Do you remember the good old summer days when the ice cream
man came down the street in your neighborhood selling ice cream
for 10 cents a bar!
Well, the good old days have returned at the SoupMobile, but
instead of selling ice cream we are giving it away to our homeless
friends & needy children right here in Dallas, Texas!
And what better way to do it, than with a vintage Ice Cream Bike!
Of course, with each ice cream bar we also add a healthy dose of
Love, Caring & Compassion! Just like Jesus would do!
The SoupMobile gratefully accepts donations of frozen
individual/single ice cream bars & cones May 1st thru November 1st
every year.
Please bring all Ice Cream donations to:
SoupMobile Annex
2490 Coombs St.
Dallas, Texas 75215
Phone: 214-655-6396
Delivery Days/Times are:
Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays
8:00AM to 11:00AM
FINAL NOTE: You do NOT need an appointment when you
come in the above day/time frame. However, it's critical that
you come only in this specific delivery window. We are short
staffed and simply do NOT have the staff to accept deliveries
outside of these posted days/hours.