Pastor Mike Hubacek 
The Apostle Paul tells us in the book of Romans that he very much wanted to see the believers in Rome be mutually encouraged by each other's faith. How then during times like these, where the pandemic won't allow us to congregate at church with fellow believers are we to keep our faith strong?
Well, if we look back, we can find those believers who came before us showing us what a firm faith in God can produce in our lives.
One such person was Christian evangelist George Muller (Born September 27, 1805 - Died March 10, 1898) who whole heartedly embraced God to the point where he not only survived but thrived without asking anyone for anything but God. He documented his prayer requests so that future generations could look back and see the power of the Lord and Believe! In George's lifetime he raised 10,240 orphans and had documented over 50,000 prayer requests answered, with 30,000 of them answered the same day generating over half a billion dollars in what would be today's money.
Then at the age of 70 George decided to devote the next period of his life to a worldwide ministry of preaching and teaching. George traveled over 200,000 miles visiting 42 countries, an extraordinary feat in the 19th century. How then could we not live in awe of the living God with such feats being so well documented for us! 
Let us all live in thoughtful prayer and lead a life pleasing to God for we will be rewarded with everlasting life!



Pastor Mike Hubacek--Sunday Sermon January 17, 2021